First, some history. At a recent birthday celebration, friends gave me a history of the Dutch period of New York (New Amsterdam). Fortuitously, the author…

The curator and author, Russell Shorto, claims that traits distinctive to early New York were more powerful ingredients of the early American character than…

New York continues in its multi-cultural tradition. We encountered Mayor Eric Adams leading a Greek Independence Day parade on 5th Avenue. It is a celebration…

The conflict continues. After a rocky separation from the British empire in 1960, there was conflict between the ethnic Greek majority and Turkish minority on…

We were not yet done on our day of arrival. After a walk to the Japan Society on the east side, we saw their exhibit of Zen paintings. Most were done by the…

This late 18th century depiction of Zen master Daruma is a play on his claim that the first principle of Zen is "Vast emptiness, nothing holy!” Imparting a vast…

On a more prosaic note, I finally got to inspect a high tech Japanese toilet after hearing so much about them. I didn't try it.

While wandering around the East and West Village and upper west side, we saw a remarkable number of shops for shoe repair, locksmithing, and watch repair. I…

The two story building on the left is the former Stonewall Inn, the garden is in Stonewall Park, and the statue is of Civil War general . . . Phil Sheridan, not…

If I had infinite wealth, a townhouse in the West Village would be suitable. Townhouses in this neighborhood seem to range from $9 to $25 million.

The scene changes further south on Canal Street. The street was built on the cover over a wide ditch, which served as a drainage canal and sewer. This west end…

The New York civic administrative area in just south of Canal. Our visit coincided with the first day of Donald Trump's trial for falsifying business records,…

It was lovely and peaceful in nearby City Hall Park. Many Minnesotans know architect Cass Gilbert, who designed our state capitol and, then, the Woolworth…

Continuing to the southern end of Manhattan, we see the 9/11 site, where we previously visited the excellent museum. In successive trips, we watched the…

Lately, I've had to admit that the Oculus transportation hub is one of the great spaces in the City, even if cold and a bit sterile. Real life lurks behind…