1 We shared a cottage with Alex and Carissa outside Woodacre, California, home of Spirit Rock Meditation Center. |
 2 It was unexpectedly beautiful! |
 3 The property ran down the steep hillside, dotted with gigantic cedars and Douglas firs. |
 4 it wouldn't be California without . . . |
 5 jean's sleeping nook, with a glass ceiling for tree-viewing. |
 6 Another resident |
 7 Jean spends two months of the year here, in silent meditation. Today, Alex will graduate from the lay-teacher training. |
 8 |
 9 In front of the new meditation hall. |
 10 Alex's brother Nate with C and A |
 11 Jean's home for two months. |
 12 The new hall is used for daily programs. |
 13 Alex's ceremony is in the old hall, nestled in the steep hills. |
 14 Brian and Ada Haley with their children and a friend. |
 15 Among the graduates was Bart, who stayed at our house when Jean and I were absent, with his son, Lou. |
 16 Alex's turn! |
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 18 Alex receives his diploma! |
 19 Teachers, students, staff. |
 20 Lou gets in the act. |
 21 At the reception following the ceremony. |
 22 Brian and Ada in the center. |
 23 Saying good-bye to Bart, Lou and Chantel. |
 24 At our celebration dinner. |
 25 We climb the hill behind town to visit Spirit House, where many of Alex's trainings were located. |
 26 Once you get past the perilous road up there, the views are great! |
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 29 Jean and I do some sight-seeing at Point Reyes, home of a famous lighthouse. |
 30 The light is perched under the edge of the cliff for visibility during the frequent fogs. |
 31 The climb back up. |
 32 Point Reyes is a vast tract of land. |
 33 For future reference, the backpackers' camp sites, some with ocean views. |
 34 On to San Francisco, where we stayed in the Japantown neighborhood. |
 35 The docks used in wars between WWI and Korea to send and receive soldiers. |
 36 The big, forboding slammer in the bay. |
 37 Old ships are docked at the National Maritime Museum, near Fisherman's Wharf. |
 38 The below-deck crew quarters to which Chinese and other groups were relegated. White crew members had better quarters. |
 39 |
 40 A thriving international trade did not originate in the late 20th century. Material for the ordinary burlap bag came from India! |
 41 The National Park Service must emulate old seamen to maintain the ships. Differences: this person is female and wears a hardhat. |
 42 Downtown from the old ships. |
 43 The museum is on the site of a former ferry dock. |
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 46 The old car ferry. |
 47 Early fast food: you could chow down on boiled corned shoulder of pork during the 32-minute crossing. Yet obesity is a 21st century problem! |
 48 Our hike continues through the former Crissley Airfield, home of Hap Arnold, early leader of the Army Air Corps. |
 49 Finally, we climb up to the bridge. |
 50 We saw fortifications all around the Bay, including the pre-Civil War Fort Point. |
 51 |
 52 The main cables are a yard wide and contain 27,000 wires. |
 53 The suspension bridge design was drafted by the engineer responsible for the Manhatten Bridge. |
 54 |
 55 So much undeveloped land! |
 56 The Golden Gate was the longest suspension brodge in the world until 1964. |
 57 Walking the bridge is a two-mile round trip. |
 58 International orange was chosen partly to enhance the bridge's visibility in fog. Thirty-eight painters are kept busy on it. |
 59 |
 60 A reminder of real life. |
 61 We return to Japantown after our all-day walk. |
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